File File Transmit Errors

File Transmit Errors

For immediate assistance please contact GSCCCA Customer Support at 800-304-5174, locally at 404-327-9760, or email us at


Critical ErrorsNon-Critical ErrorsCustom Errors

Critical Errors
Message:Instrument contains an invalid Filing Date
Explanation:The instrument filing date is not in mm/dd/yyyy format. Please change the date format to mm/dd/yyyy.
Message:Addition/Correction Line is Formatted Incorrectly
Explanation:Addition/Correction line contains the incorrect number of comma-delimited fields. Verify that each required field is accounted for per the Real Estate Indexing guidelines.
Message:Book Number in Instrument Record must be 5-characters long
Explanation:The instrument book number must be 5 characters long.  If the book number is less than 5 characters, it should be left-padded with spaces to be 5 characters long.
Message:Checksum Total Count must be 7 characters long
Explanation:The checksum field in the header record must be 7 characters long.  Please correct the length.
Message:Correction is requested on instrument that is not on file
Explanation:To perform a correction, the instrument being corrected must already be on file.  Since no record having the specified instrument number was found, the correction record cannot be applied.
Message:Correction/Addition Description contains an invalid date
Explanation:The description field of an addition/correction line must begin with the text "ADDED MM/DD/YYYY" where MM/DD/YYYY is a valid date.  Please correct the format of the date so that it is in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Message:Correction/Addition Description does not start with "ADDED MM/DD/YYYY"
Explanation:The description field of an addition/correction line must begin with the text "ADDED MM/DD/YYYY".  Please change the description accordingly.
Message:County Code in Instrument Number does not match County Code in Header Record
Explanation:The first three characters of the instrument number must match the county-code field in the header record.
Message:County Code in the Header Record does not match Filename County extension
Explanation:The county-code field in the header record must match the three-character extension of the filename.
Message:File character count is not 8 bytes long
Explanation:File names must be 8 characters long followed by a three-digit county-code extension.
Message:File contains a blank line
Explanation:Index files are not allowed to have blank line.  Please remove any blank lines.
Message:File is missing an [EOF] at the end
Explanation:Index files must end with a line only containing the characters "[EOF]".  This marks the end of the data in the file.  Please add the "[EOF]" line to the end of the file.
Message:File transmitted contains data after [EOF]
Explanation:Index files shall not contain any text after the "[EOF]" line.
Message:Filename century does not match year file was transmitted
Explanation:The century portion of the filename must match when the file was transmitted.
Message:Filename century must be an uppercase A - Z
Explanation:The century portion of the filename must be an uppercase letter A-Z where "A" = 1600, "B" = 1700, "C" = 1800, "D" = 1900,  "E" = 2000, etc.
Message:Filename County extension contains an invalid County Code
Explanation:Index filename extension must be a three-digit number between 001 and 159 that matches the originating county's county-code.
Message:Filename identifier is not one unit more than the last successfully merged file"
Explanation:The sequence number portion of the file name must be one more than the sequence number of the last previously accepted file.
Message:Filename must be in 8 dot 3 format
Explanation:Index filenames have 8 characters preceding and three characters following the dot (.) on the filename.
Message:Filename sequence must be numeric
Explanation:The sequence number portion of the filename must be a number; letters are not allowed.
Message:Filename year does not match year file was transmitted
Explanation:The year portion of the filename must be the same as the year the file was transmitted.
Message:Filename year must be numeric
Explanation:The year portion of the filename must be a number; letters are not allowed.
Message:Grantee line is formatted incorrectly
Message:Grantee Name contains more than one comma
Explanation:A grantee name shall not contain more than one comma.  Please remove extra commas.
Message:Grantee Name contains two consecutive spaces
Explanation:Grantee name shall not have two consecutive spaces.  Please remove extra spaces.
Message:Grantee Name contains unacceptable character(s)
Explanation:Please see the "Deed Indexing Standards for the State of Georgia" for details.
Message:Grantee Name missing a space after the comma
Explanation:A comma in a grantee name must be followed by a space.  Please add the missing space.
Message:Grantee Name starts with an invalid character (space, comma, or '&')
Explanation:Grantee names shall not begin with a space, comma, or "&" character.  Please remove the invalid character from the beginning of the name.
Message:Grantee Name exceeds 70 characters
Explanation:Grantee names shall not exceed 70 characters.  Please shorten the name.
Message:Grantor line is formatted incorrectly
Explanation:A grantor line must have 3 fields delimited with double-quotes and a comma ("InstrumentID","O","GrantorName").
Message:Grantor Name contains more than one comma
Explanation:The Grantor Name can only contain one comma.
Message:Grantor Name contains two consecutive spaces
Explanation:The Grantor Name cannot contain two consecutive spaces.
Message:Grantor Name contains unacceptable character(s)
Explanation:The Grantor Name can only contain letters and numbers.
Message:Grantor Name missing a space after the comma
Explanation:Following the Grantor Name there must be a space after the comma.
Message:Grantor Name starts with an invalid character (space, comma, or '&')
Explanation:The Grantor Name cannot start with a space, comma, or '&'.
Message:Grantor Name exceeds 70 characters
Explanation:Grantor Name must be less than 70 characters.
Message:Header Date is < 01/01/1700 or > 12/30/9999
Explanation:The Instrument Header Date must be between 01/01/1700 and 12/30/9999.
Message:Header line is formatted incorrectly
Explanation:The header line must have the following format: Checksum,"CountyCode","GoodThruDate","CharacterCount"
Message:Header record contains invalid date
Explanation:The good-thru-date in the header record must be in MM/DD/YYYY format.
Message:Header Record County Code must be 3 characters long
Explanation:The County Code in the Header Record must be 3 characters long.
Message:Header record date is greater than today's date
Explanation:The date of the Instrument Header record is newer than today's date.
Message:Header record date must be 10 characters long
Explanation:The Instrument Header record date field must be in the mm/dd/yyyy format.
Message:Header record has an incorrect Character Count
Explanation:The character count in the Header record does not match the calculated character count.
Message:Header record has an incorrect Checksum Count
Explanation:The Checksum in the Header record does not match the calculated value.
Message:Instrument Book contains lowercase character(s)
Explanation:The Instrument Book must contain only uppercase character(s).
Message:Instrument Book has the wrong format
  • 5 Characters
  • Alpha/Numeric (A-Z),(0-9) and (-).
  • leading Space Filled, Right Justified, All caps.
Message:Instrument Book must contain spaces, letters, and numbers only
Explanation:The Instrument Book can only contain spaces, letters, and numbers.
Message:Instrument contains a blank Book field
Explanation:The Instrument Book field cannot be left blank.
Message:Instrument contains a blank Date Filed field
Explanation:The Instrument Date Filed field cannot be left blank.
Message:Instrument contains a blank Grantee Name field
Explanation:The Instrument Grantee Name field cannot be left blank.
Message:Instrument contains a blank Grantor Name field
Explanation:The Instrument Grantor Name field cannot be left blank.
Message:Instrument contains a blank Instrument Code field
Explanation:The Instrument Code field cannot be left blank.
Message:Instrument contains a blank Page field
Explanation:The Instrument Page field cannot be left blank.
Message:Instrument contains a blank Property line
Explanation:The Instrument Property line field cannot be left blank.
Message:Instrument contains a blank Time field
Explanation:The Instrument Time Field cannot be left blank.
Message:Instrument contains an invalid Filing Date
  • 10 digits- numeric and "/"
  • 01/01/1700 - 12/30/9999
  • mm/dd/yyyy
Message:Instrument contains an invalid Instrument Type code
  • Up to 4 Characters
  • Alpha (A-Z)
  • All caps.
Message:Instrument contains an invalid Time format
  • 7 Alpha/Numeric Characters
  • hh:mm AM(or PM), i.e., 12:05PM
Message:Instrument County Code does not match the Filename County extension
Explanation:The Instrument County Code is not the same as the Filename County extension.
Message:Instrument Date is greater than today's date
Explanation:The date of the Instrument is newer than today's date.
Message:Instrument Date Filed must be 10 characters long
Explanation:The Instrument Date Field must be in the mm/dd/yyyy format.
Message:Instrument Date is < 01/01/1700 or > 12/30/9999
Explanation:The Instrument Date must be between 01/01/1700 and 12/30/9999.
Message:Instrument Description contains a double quote("")
Explanation:There are double quotes("") in the Instrument Description.
Message:Instrument Description contains lowercase character(s)
Explanation:The Instrument Description must contain only uppercase character(s).
Message:Instrument does not begin with an Instrument or Correction/Addition line
Explanation:The Instrument must begin with an Instrument or Correction/Addition line.
Message:Instrument exists in transmitted file more than once
Explanation:The Instrument filed exists in the transmitted file more than once.
Message:Instrument has an invalid record type - must be 'I', 'A', 'P', 'E', 'O', 'X'
Explanation:I = Instrument, A = Addition/Correction, P = Property, E = Grantee, O = Grantor, X = Cross-reference
Message:Instrument is missing a Grantee line
Explanation:The Instrument field for the Grantee is not filled out.
Message:Instrument is missing a Grantor line
Explanation:The Instrument field for the Grantor is not filled out.
Message:Instrument line is formatted incorrectly
Explanation:The instrument line dones not contain the expected number of fields.
Message:Instrument number contains invalid characters
Explanation:The Instrument number can only contain letters and numbers.
Message:Instrument number is already on file
Explanation:The Instrument number sent is already on file.
Message:Instrument number is less than 13 bytes long
Explanation:The Instrument number field must be at least 13 bytes long.
Message:Instrument Page contains lowercase character(s)
Explanation:The Instrument Page must contain only uppercase character(s).
Message:Instrument Page has the wrong format
Explanation:The formatting of the Instrument Page is wrong.
Message:Instrument Page must contain spaces, letters, and numbers only
Explanation:The Instrument Page can only contain spaces, letters, and numbers.
Message:Instrument records are not in the correct sequence (I,P,E,O,X or A,P,E,O,X)
Explanation:Instrument records must be in the following order: An Instrument or Addition/Correction Line, followed by zero or more Property lines, followed by one or more Grantee lines, followed by one or more Grantor Lines, followed by zero or more Cross-reference lines.
Message:Instrument Time Filed must be 7 characters long
Explanation:The Instrument Time Field must be at least 7 characters long.
Message:Instrument Type contains lowercase character(s)
Explanation:The Instrument Type must contain only uppercase character(s).
Message:Page number in instrument record must be 4 characters long
Explanation:The Page Number field must be at least 4 characters long.
Message:Property Block contains lowercase character(s)
Explanation:The Property Block must contain only uppercase character(s).
Message:Property Block has the wrong format
  • 3 Characters, or empty
  • Alpha/Numeric (A-Z),(0-9).
  • Leading Space Filled, Right Justified, All caps.
Message:Property Block must contain spaces, letters, and numbers only
Explanation:The Property Block can only contain spaces, letters, and numbers.
Message:Property District has the wrong format
  • 2 digits, or empty
  • Numeric with leading zeros
  • 01-99
Message:Property District must be 2 to 4 characters long
Explanation:The Property District field must be 2 to 4 characters long.
Message:Property Land Lot has the wrong format
  • 4 digits, or empty
  • Numeric with leading zeros
  • 0001-9999
Message:Property Land Lot must 4 characters long
Explanation:The Property Land Lot field must be at least 4 characters long.
Message:Property line is formatted incorrectly
Explanation:The property line does not contain the expected number of fields.
Message:Property Lot has the wrong format
  • 5 Characters, or empty
  • Alpha/Numeric
  • Leading Space Filled, Right Justified, All Caps
Message:Property Lot contains lowercase character(s)
Explanation:The Property Lot must contain only uppercase character(s).
Message:Property Lot must contain spaces, letters, and numbers only
Explanation:The Property Lot can only contain spaces, letters, and numbers.
Message:Property Section contains lowercase character(s)
Explanation:The Property Section must contain only uppercase character(s).
Message:Property Section has the wrong format
  • 4 Characters, or empty
  • Alpha/Numeric
  • Leading Space Filled, Right Justified, All Caps
Message:Property Section must be 4 characters long
Explanation:The Property Section field must be at least 4 characters long.
Message:Property Section must contain spaces, letters, and numbers only
Explanation:The Property Section can only contain spaces, letters, and numbers.
Message:Property Subdivision Comment contains lowercase character(s)
Explanation:The Property Subdivision Comment must contain only uppercase character(s).
Message:Property Subdivision contains lowercase character(s)
Explanation:The Property Subdivision must contain only uppercase character(s).
Message:Property Subdivision exceeds 24 characters
Explanation:The content of the Property Subdivision field must be no more than 24 characters long.
Message:Property Unit contains lowercase character(s)
Explanation:The Property Unit must contain only uppercase character(s).
Message:Property Unit has the wrong format
  • 5 Characters, or empty
  • Alpha/Numeric
  • Leading Space Filled, Right Justified, All Caps
Message:Property Unit must contain spaces, letters, and numbers only
Explanation:The Property Unit can only contain spaces, letters, and numbers.
Message:Subdivision Block must be 3 characters long
Explanation:The Subdivision Block field must be at least 3 characters long.
Message:Subdivision Comment exceeds 24 characters
Explanation:The content of the Subdivision Comment must be no more than 24 characters long.
Message:Subdivision Lot must be 5 characters long
Explanation:The Subdivision Lot field must be at least 5 characters long.
Message:Subdivision Unit must be 5 characters long
Explanation:The Subdivision Unit field must be at least 5 characters long.
Message:Subdivision Unit, Block, Lot, and/or Comment exists without a Subdivision Name
Explanation:A Subdivision Name is required for the Instrument.
Message:TTAX index cross reference records are only allowed in Deed files.
Explanation:PT-61 filings only relate to Deed filings. Therefore, PT-61 cross reference records can only appear in deed files.
Message:Good-From-Date is greater than 12/31/2003
Explanation:The Good-From Date represents the date associated with a historical index data file from which all index data for that county has been transmitted to the central GSCCCA index database. The Good-Thru Date shall not be after 12/31/2003.
Message:A PT-61 cross-reference in your real estate transmit was from a County other than yours. The three digit County Code did not match your County. Accepting a filing with a wrong County code will result in incorrect data for your County, plus it can overwrite correct data in the other County, therefore the filing was rejected.
Explanation:You cannot accept PT-61 filings from counties other than your own. You will usually receive this error if you accepted a filing from another county or if you typed the PT-61 document number incorrectly when you entered the cross reference record.
Message:Good-From-Date is < 01/01/1992 or > 12/31/1992
Explanation:Good-From-Date for Historical 92 index data shall be between 01/01/1992 and 12/31/1992
Message:Instrument Filing Date is < 01/01/1992 or > 12/31/1992
Explanation:Instrument Filing Date for Historical 92 index data shall be between 01/01/1992 and 12/31/1992
Message:Instrument Filing Date is < 01/01/1990 or > 12/31/1991
Explanation:Instrument Filing Date for Historical 90-91 index data shall be between 01/01/1990 and 12/31/1991
Message:Good-From-Date is < 01/01/1990 or > 12/31/1991
Explanation:Good-From-Date for Historical 90-91 index data shall be between 01/01/1990 and 12/31/1991
Message:This data series is required to identify a minimum of {0} unique indexers certified by the GSCCCA (“Z-Lines”) for each instrument, however, this instrument identifies {1}
Explanation:The expected number of GSCCCA (“Z-Lines”) were not found for this instrument.
Message:Invalid Agency ID and/or Indexer ID.
Explanation:A GSCCCA (“Z-Line”) was found, however, the Agency ID and/or Indexer ID do not match a valid Agency and/or Indexer.

Non-Critical ErrorsBack to Top
Message:Filing Date is less than or equal to your current Good Thru Date
Explanation:The Instrument Filing Date is less than or equal to the current Good Thru Date.
Message:Good Thru Date is less than your current Good Thru Date
Explanation:The Good Thru Date on the Instrument is less than the current Good Thru Date.
Message:Instrument has the same Grantee name more than once
Explanation:The Grantee name is in the Instrument more than once.
Message:Instrument has the same Grantor name more than once
Explanation:The Grantor name is in the Instrument more than once.
Message:Instrument number is out of sequence
Explanation:The Instrument number is out of sequential order.
Message:Instrument number must be reset to 1 for the first instrument in a new year
Explanation:The Instrument number must be reset to 1 for the first instrument number filed in a new year.
Message:Book value
Message:Page value
Message:Filing Date is greater or equal to your current Good From Date
Explanation:The date field is greater or equal to the current Good From Date.
Message:Good From Date is greater than your current Good From Date
Explanation:The Good From Date is more recent than the current Good From Date.
Message:The PT-61 number entered does not exist in the database of filings. This is most likely a typo or a document from another County.
Explanation:The PT-61 filing number entered does not exist in the GSCCCA database. Verify that the PT-61 document number has been entered correctly.
Message:The PT-61 book and page number have been changed from their original values. This can be caused by an intentional edit or an unintentional error.
Explanation:This error occurs when an activated PT-61’s deed book and page values have been changed due to this transmitted deed index data file. For example, a PT-61 was previously assigned to a deed book and page, and now the PT-61 is assigned to a different deed book and page after the most recent cross reference included in this transmission file. If the most recent cross reference was intentional, this message may be disregarded. However, if not intentional, verify the cross references on both the original and most recent deed book and page records. The correction module in PT-61 Online may be helpful in resolving these non-critical errors.
Message:The PT-61 filing you are trying to accept was edited by the filing party and is obsolete. An obsolete record cannot be accepted. The document number of the corrected filing is PT-61 [DOC_NUM]. Please accept the corrected filing. For more information see FAQ #23 in PT-61 Online in the Clerk Resource Center.
Explanation:Filing parties are allowed to edit filings prior to submitting them to the Clerk’s office. However, each edit assigns a new PT-61 document number, and the previous PT-61 document number is marked obsolete. To avoid incorrect data being inserted into the system, obsolete records cannot be accepted. Contact the filer to acquire the corrected PT-61 filing.

Custom ErrorsBack to Top
Message:Non-continuous Instrument ID
Explanation:The Instrument ID is Non-continuous.
Message:Instrument ID sequence is out of order
Explanation:The ID of the Instrument is out of sequence.
Message:Instrument description date is earlier date than Instrument Filed Date
Explanation:The date in the Instrument description is earlier than the Instrument Filed Date.
Message:Instrument File Date is before 01/01/1999
Explanation:The Instrument File Date is before 01/01/1999
Message:Year portion of Instrument ID does not match Filed Year
Explanation:The portion of the Instrument ID that contains the year does not match the year that it was filed.
Message:Invalid Grantee name
  • Up to 70 Characters
  • Alpha/Numeric
  • All Caps
  • Human names are to be entered as: Surname,comma,space,given name(s)followed by any prefix and suffix.
Message:Invalid Grantor name
  • Up to 70 Characters
  • Alpha/Numeric
  • All Caps
  • Human names are to be entered as: Surname,comma,space,given name(s)followed by any prefix and suffix.
Message:Invalid Instrument description
  • 13 Digits
  • Numeric
Message:County code portion of file name does not match originating county code derived from FTP log.
Explanation:The county code in the file name does not match the county code from the FTP log.
Message:Reverse Party line is formatted incorrectly
Explanation:Reverse Party line does not contain the expected number of fields.
Message:Reverse Party Name contains more than one comma
Explanation:The Reverse Party Name can only contain one comma.
Message:Reverse Party Name contains two consecutive spaces
Explanation:The Reverse Party Name cannot contain two consecutive spaces.
Message:Reverse Party Name contains unacceptable character(s)
Explanation:The following characters are not allowed in a Reverse Party name: !#$%&*,/
Message:Reverse Party Name missing a space after the comma
Explanation:Following the Reverse Party Name there must be a space after the comma.
Message:Reverse Party Name starts with an invalid character (space, comma, or '&')
Explanation:The Reverse Party Name cannot start with a space, comma, or '&'.
Message:Reverse Party Name exceeds 70 characters
Explanation:The Reverse Party Name must be less than 70 characters long.
Message:Instrument contains a blank Reverse Party Name field
Explanation:The Reverse Party Name Field must be filled in.
Message:Instrument is missing a Reverse Party line
Explanation:The Reverse Party line field must be completed.
Message:Instrument has the same Reverse Party name more than once
Explanation:The Instrument can only contain a Reverse Party name once.
Message:Invalid Reverse Party name
Message:Direct Party line is formatted incorrectly
Explanation:Direct Party line does not have the expected number of fields.
Message:Direct Party Name contains more than one comma
Explanation:The Direct Party Name can only contain one comma.
Message:Direct Party Name contains two consecutive spaces
Explanation:The Direct Party Name cannot contain two consecutive spaces.
Message:Direct Party Name contains unacceptable character(s)
Explanation:The following characters are not allowed in a Direct Party name: !#$%&*,/
Message:Direct Party Name missing a space after the comma
Explanation:Following the Direct Party Name there must be a space after the comma.
Message:Direct Party Name starts with an invalid character (space, comma, or '&')
Explanation:The Direct Party Name cannot start with a space, comma, or '&'.
Message:Direct Party Name exceeds 70 characters
Explanation:The Direct Party Name must be less than 70 Characters long.
Message:Instrument contains a blank Direct Party Name field
Explanation:Direct Party Name Field must be filled in.
Message:Instrument is missing a Direct Party line
Explanation:The data for the Direct Party line is missing.
Message:Instrument has the same Direct Party name more than once
Explanation:The Instrument cannot contain the same Direct Party name more than once.
Message:Invalid Direct Party name
Explanation:The Direct Party data is not in a valid format.
Message:Instrument records are not in the correct sequence (I,P,D,R,X or A,P,D,R,X)
Explanation:Instrument records must be in the following order: An Instrument or Addition/Correction Line, followed by zero or more Property lines, followed by one or more Direct Party lines, followed by one or more Reverse Party Lines, followed by zero or more Cross-reference lines.
Message:Filename century, year, and/or sequence number rollover error.
Explanation:The Filename century, year, and/or sequence number was not properly changed to reflect the new date.
Message:The following field contains the wrong number of characters:
Explanation:The field contains too many or too few characters.
Message:The following field must only contain alphanumeric characters:
Explanation:The field can only contain letters A-Z and numbers 0-9.
Message:The following field must only contain alphabetic characters:
Explanation:The field must contain only letters A-Z.
Message:The following field must only contain numeric characters:
Explanation:The field must only contain numbers 0-9.
Message:The following field contains invalid characters:
Explanation:The field contains characters that are not allowed.
Message:The following field must be leading space filled:
Explanation:The field must have leading blank spaces.
Message:The following field must be right justified:
Explanation:The data in the field must be right justified.
Message:The following field must be in all caps:
Explanation:The Data in the field must be all capital letters.
Message:The following field must be leading zero filled:
Explanation:The indicated field should contain leading zero(s).
Explanation:This is a place holder for a generic error message. See the specific message for more details.
Message:The following field is empty:
Explanation:The indicated field contains no data.
Message:The following field is all spaces:
Explanation:The indicated field contains only blank spaces.
Message:The following line's Instrument ID does not match Instrument Line Instrument ID:
Explanation:The indicated line's Instrument ID does not match the Instrument Line Instrument ID.
Message:The file was transmitted from an IP address which is not a valid IP address for this county. This indicates that the filename and header record county codes may be incorrect or that the file was transmitted from the wrong county. Please correct the filename and/or header record county code(s) or transmit the file from the expected IP address. If the problem persists, please contact the Authority system administrator.
Explanation:The file was transmitted from a computer outside of the Authority network or one with an improper IP address. Correct the filename and/or the header record county code(s) or transmit the file from a valid county IP address. If you need your IP address added please contact Customer Support at 1-800-304-5174.
Message:The originating county for this file cannot be determined because the county code portion of the filename and the county code field in the header record either do not match, are invalid and/or missing.
Explanation:The county code is invalid and/or missing or doesn't match in the county code portion of the filename and header record.
Message:File not found in FTP log. This indicates that the file was not transmitted to the Authority using the FTP protocol. Please re-transmit the file accordingly.
Explanation:The log files indicate that the file was not transmitted to the Authority properly. Please re-transmit the file using the proper FTP protocol.
Message:The following field is not enclosed in double-quotes:
Explanation:Information in the field must be enclosed by double-quotes: "example"
Message:The maximum number of critical errors for a single file has been reached. The file may contain additional errors that have not been reported.
Explanation:The File has too many critical errors. There may be more errors than what can be displayed.
Message:Line type could not be determined because it is formatted incorrectly.
Explanation:The Line Type could not be determined because the line does not contain at least 2 fields.
Message:An Instrument Line and an Addition/Correction Line with the same Instrument ID cannot be in the same file.
Explanation:Files cannot contain a duplicate Instrument ID for both Instrument Line and Additional/Correction Line.
Message:The first Historical file from a county must begin with a sequence number of 1.
Explanation:The first file number of each year must begin with 1.
Message:Instrument has an invalid record type - must be 'I', 'A', 'D', 'R', 'X'
Explanation:I = Instrument, A = Addition/Correction, D = Direct Party, R = Reverse Party, X = Cross-reference
Message:Index Cross Reference line is formatted incorrectly
Explanation:Line does not contain the expected number of fields.
Message:Index Cross Reference index type must be 'PLAT', 'LIEN', 'DEED', or ' UCC'
Explanation:Only 'PLAT', 'LIEN', 'DEED', or ' UCC' are allowed cross-reference types
Message:If a 13-character value is used in Index Cross Reference key 1 then key 2 must be blank.
Explanation:If a 13-character value is used in Index Cross Reference key 1 then key 2 must be blank.
Message:Caption Name starts with an invalide character (space, comma, or '&')
Explanation:A Plat caption shall not start with a space, comma, or '&'.
Message:Caption Name contains unacceptable character(s)
Explanation:See Plat indexing standards for a list of unacceptable characters.
Message:Caption Name contains more than one comma
Explanation:A Plat caption shall not contain more than one comma.
Message:Caption Name missing a space after the comma
Explanation:A Plat caption shall have a space immediately following a comma.
Message:Caption line is formatted incorrectly
Explanation:The Plat caption line contains the wrong number of quote-comma delimited fields.
Message:Caption Name contains two consecutive spaces
Explanation:A Plat caption line shall not contain two consecutive spaces.
Message:Instrument is missing a Caption line
Explanation:A Plat instrument shall have one or more related caption lines. Caption lines are denoted in a Plat index file with a "C".
Message:Instrument has the same Caption name more than once
Explanation:A Plat shall not have the same caption more than once.
Message:Instrument records are not in the correct sequence (I,C,P,X or A,C,P,X)
Explanation:Plat files shall have their index data lines in the following order: "I"nstrument line, "C"aption line, "P"roperty line, "X"reference line, or "A"ddition/Correction line, "C"aption line, "P"roperty line, "X"reference line.
Message:Instrument has an invalid record type - must be 'I', 'A', 'C', 'P', 'X'
Explanation:Plat files shall only have the following line types: "A"ddition/Correction line, "C"aption line, "P"roperty line, "X"reference line.
Message:The first three digits of the TTAX document number must represent a value between 1 and 159
Explanation:The first three digits of the PT-61 document number represent your county code and must be zero padded. Please verify that you typed the PT-61 filing number correctly.
Message:'I' records (new) are not allowed until further notice, however, 'A' records (addition/correction) are permitted.
Explanation:This index is currently closed for accepting new index data, but is open for accepting additions/corrections to existing records
Message:File did not originate from a source that is authorized for this county, docket, and series.
Explanation:The Extended Historical index requires a valid Series and Source, but one could not be identified for this index data file. Please verify that the filename is correct.
Message:Invalid or unknown docket.
Explanation:Valid filename docket values are "D" for Deeds, "L" for Liens, and "P" for Plats
Message:Cannot validate header when docket type is unknown.
Explanation:Valid filename docket values are "D" for Deeds, "L" for Liens, and "P" for Plats
Message:Cannot validate file sequence when docket type is unknown.
Explanation:Valid filename docket values are "D" for Deeds, "L" for Liens, and "P" for Plats
Message:Cannot get established good-from-date when docket type is unknown.
Explanation:Valid filename docket values are "D" for Deeds, "L" for Liens, and "P" for Plats
Message:Cannot get validation rules when docket type is unknown.
Explanation:Valid filename docket values are "D" for Deeds, "L" for Liens, and "P" for Plats
Message:A series could not be found having the specified county, docket, and series.
Explanation:The Extended Historical index requires a valid Series, but one could not be identified for this index data file. Please verify that the filename is correct.
Message:This series is currently disabled.
Explanation:This series is not accepting data at this time
Message:Instrument Filing Date is outside the target good from and good through dates for this series.
Explanation:Verify that the specified instrument Filing Date is within the range allowed for this series.
Message:Good-From-Date is outside the target good from and good through dates for this series.
Explanation:Verify that the specified Good-From-Date is within the range allowed for this series
Message:For this data Series, a legitimate Filed Time must be specified; a value of "", cannot be used.
Explanation:The instrument Filed Time is invalid or missing
Message:Header contains an invalid Good Thru Time format.
Explanation:Header Good Thru Time format shall consist of a 2-digit hour between 01 and 12, followed by a colon, followed by a 2-digit minute between 00 and 59, followed by "AM" or "PM"
Message:Instrument records are not in the correct sequence (I,S,P,D,R,X or A,S,P,D,R,X).
Explanation:Instrument records must be in the following order: An Instrument or Addition/Correction Line, followed by zero or more "S" lines, followed by zero or more Property lines, followed by one or more Direct Party lines, followed by one or more Reverse Party Lines, followed by zero or more Cross-reference lines.
Message:Statewide line is formatted incorrectly.
Explanation:Verify that the specified "S" line contains the proper number of fields
Message:Files received before 1/1/2018 Header must only be Legacy header format.
Explanation:The Legacy header format is required until 1/1/2018.
Message:The specified field has an invalid value.
Explanation:A specific value or range of values was expected, but not found
Message:Statewide records are not in the correct sequence (C,T).
Explanation:Control Number "C" lines must come before Tax ID "T" lines
Message:Only one Field Type 'C' is allowed per instrument.
Explanation:An instrument shall not have more than one "S" line Control Number
Message:Control Numbers shall only consist of digits 0 through 9 and the last character may optionally be an upper or lower case 'A', 'B', 'C', 'D', 'E', or 'L'.
Explanation:Control Number format appears to be invalid
Message:Tax ID shall only consist of digits 0 through 9.
Explanation:Tax ID format appears to be invalid
Message:A Pending Search filing having the specified county, book, page, and control number was expected, but not found. The control number values in the index data do not match the values the GSCCCA has received from the Georgia Dept of Revenue eFilings. Please look at the instrument/image to make sure the correct values were indexed.
Explanation:This instrument contains an "S" line Control Number that does not exist in Pending Search. Please verify that the instrument county, book, page, and control number values are correct.
Message:Error processing 'S' line due to unexpected county, book, and/or page value.
Explanation:Verify that the instrument has valid county, book, and page values
Message:A Reverse Party with the specified name was expected, but not found.
Message:A Pending Search filing having the specified county, book, page, and tax ID was expected, but not found. The tax ID values in the index data do not match the values the GSCCCA has received from the Georgia Dept of Revenue eFilings. Please look at the instrument/image to make sure the correct values were indexed.
Explanation:This instrument contains an "S" line Tax ID that does not exist in Pending Search. Please verify that the instrument county, book, page, and tax ID values are correct.
Message:An 'S' line with FieldType 'T' having the specified county, book, page, and tax ID was expected, but not found. The tax ID values in the index data do not match the values the GSCCCA has received from the Georgia Dept of Revenue eFilings. Please look at the instrument/image to make sure the correct values were indexed.
Explanation:Pending Search contains a Tax ID for this county, book, and page that does not match an "S" line Tax ID for this instrument. Please verify that a tax ID line is not invalid or missing for this instrument.
Message:One or more Pending Search filing tax IDs having the specified county, book, and page were expected, but not found.
Explanation:There are no tax IDs in Pending Search for the specified county, book, and page. Please verify that the county, book, and page values are correct.
Message:An 'S' line with FieldType 'C' was expected, but not found.
Explanation:If an instrument contains an "S" line then exactly one of them *must* be a Control Number
Message:An 'S' line with FieldType 'C' having the specified county, book, page, and control number was expected, but not found. The control number values in the index data do not match the values the GSCCCA has received from the Georgia Dept of Revenue eFilings. Please look at the instrument/image to make sure the correct values were indexed.
Explanation:Pending Search contains a Control Number for this county, book, and page that does not match an "S" line Control Number in this instrument. Please verify that a control number line is not invalid or missing for this instrument.
Message:One or more Pending Search filing control numbers having the specified county, book, and page were expected, but not found.
Explanation:There are no control numbers in Pending Search for the specified county, book, and page. Please verify that the county, book, and page values are correct.
Message:An 'S' line with FieldType 'T' was expected, but not found.
Explanation:If an instrument contains an "S" line then one or more of them is *usually* a tax ID, but is not required.
Message:'S' lines with FieldType 'T' are not allowed. Tax IDs are *not* to be transmitted to the GSCCCA.
Explanation:Tax IDs are *not* to be transmitted to the GSCCCA.
Message:Book value of '0' is an allowed book value, but is unusual.
Explanation:Please verify that Book '0' value is correct.
Message:Page value of '0' is an allowed page value, but is unusual.
Explanation:Please verify that Page '0' value is correct.
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